Birth Photography and Doula Support
in Kaiserslautern (KMC), Landstuhl, Mainz, Wiesbaden, and surrounding areas.
Are you…..
… looking for someone to guide you through pregnancy and birth?
… going through the grieving process of miscarriage and need help navigating?
… looking for artistic and professional photographs to document your pregnancy and baby being born?
You found the right place!
Welcome to your one-stop resource for your birthing experience
I’m Lena.
Your professional birth photographer and doula serving the Kaiserlautern, Landstuhl, Mainz, Wiesbaden, and surrounding areas. I’m here to guide you through your pregnancy and birthing experience with emotional, physical, and educational support for all mothers. As your photographer I provide you with artistic photographs that you and your family will treasure for lifetimes.
How can I support you?
Learn about my services
Doulas help make birth better! We nurture, support, and offer expert guidance for families during pregnancy, birth, and the early postpartum. There is strong evidence showing that doula support improves birth outcomes. Find more information here.
You want to document the little details you may not notice or are worried about forgetting? You want to capture the moment you first meet your baby? Then birth photography is what you are looking for. You can also pair birth photography with my doula expertise for your one stop solution to an empowered birth. Find more information here.
It’s never too early, it’s never too late, and it seems like there are an infinite number of birthing books to read. Save your sanity and meet with me. I will create a personalized course to empower you and your partner with the knowledge and skills you need to prepare for your birthing experience.
Learn more about my class offerings here.
If you are experiencing a loss and need help navigating through this difficult time, reach out! I have special training in helping mothers experiencing the loss of a pregnancy. Grieving never ends, but it changes. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith, it is the price of love.
Please reach out directly through my contact form.
The rebonding bath can be an amazing tool after a difficult or traumatic birth to intensify bonding and/or to catch up on missed bonding time after separation of mother and child. I follow the method of Brigitte Meissner. Schedule a free consultation to see if this is the right choice for you.
Find some of my photography work here
A lifetime of memories starts now!
A trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.
Think of a doula as your birth bestie. You want somebody who knows and honors your birth plan? Somebody who won’t leave your side? Somebody to support your significant other? Hire a doula! We get to know each other before you even go into labor, prepare you and your partner for labor, and support you even after baby is born.
This is up to you. Most expecting mothers reach out at the beginning of the second trimester. The earlier you start looking around the higher the chance you get the doula you want. We take on a very limited number of births per month so if you wait until the last minute, chances are you’ll be getting referred around a lot.
I always recommend scheduling a consultation even if your partner is not yet sold on the idea. Usually we can work through the initial hesitation by me explaining how I work and what to expect.